
Social Media 101 for WEP 2015

As the annual Winter Enrichment Program (WEP) gets underway in a few days, KAUST community members will attend many lectures, workshops and events. From exciting science experiment displays at the annual Science Fair, to inspiring keynote presentations, events and exploratory day trips off campus, there will be many stories to tell.

Social media networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others) have become globally popular platforms for sharing experiences such as these; and WEP participants are encouraged to responsibly share snippets of their journeys of discovery.

Whether you do so in 140 characters or less to share a moving quote from a speech or through snapping a picture of your artistic creation at a workshop, here are some tips to up your social media game during WEP 2015.

Use the hashtag

When posting on your social media profiles about WEP make sure to add the official hashtag at the end, which is #wep2015. Using this hashtag will allow your posts to join the collective discussion about WEP 2015 on Twitter, Facebook and other networks. In a nutshell, the hashtag will ensure that your posts' reach will extend beyond your immediate followers and become visible to a wider pool of people actively searching for posts relating to WEP and the #wep2015 hashtag.

Live Tweeting

A great time to use the #wep2015 hashtag is while you're attending lectures, workshops and events. As there will be many events happening, often concurrently, live Tweeting allows community members, as well as people worldwide interested in KAUST, who are not present at that amazing event you're attending to experience it vicariously through you. Share a useful piece of advice or valuable information from a world-renowned expert in their field, right from the audience as you hear it, or take your followers with you on a WEP-sponsored trip by publishing play by plays.

Remember that before posting on social media to be mindful of respecting the norms and practices inherent to the multicultural nature of our vibrant University community.

Staying Connected