
Our Faculty

KAUST offers superb research facilities; generous, assured research funding; and internationally competitive salaries. We attract top international faculty and students to conduct fundamental and goal-oriented research to address the world's pressing scientific and technological challenges. Apply now for the open positions and be a part of our community.

Physical Science and Engineering Division

The mission of the Physical Sciences and Engineering Division is to create knowledge pertaining to matter at all scales – nano, meso, macro –, in all forms – from bulk, to divided colloids and fluids – as well as the interaction of matter with external stimuli in order to design new materials/technologies addressing the issues of our times. Research in the Division includes areas such as theoretical physics and physical chemistry; catalysis and bioengineering; polymers and composites; energy production, storage and conversion; water purification and environmental protection; novel materials, nanodevices and systems; sensors and smart devices for the detection of pollutants and the purification of air, water, and food; earth sciences, mechanics and geomechanics; oil exploration and recovery; and CO2 sequestration.