
Former SRSI student publishes in JACS

Sarah Abdullatif, a graduate of the University's 2013 Saudi Research Science Institute (SRSI) program and a current KAUST Gifted Student Program (KGSP) participant, recently co-authored a paper published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) as part of her undergraduate studies at the University of California, Berkeley.

Abdullatif is currently a junior at Berkeley and began working in the university's Miller Lab in the summer of 2015, continuing her work there through the 2015 – 2016 academic year and into the summer of 2016. Her paper, entitled "Isomerically Pure Tetramethylrhodamine Voltage Reporters," covers the design, synthesis and application of a family of fluorescent voltage indicators called Rhodamine Voltage Reporters, or RhoVRs.

"I chose to come to Berkeley because the chemistry program is exciting, the research is interesting and the professors are inspiring," she said. "I am extremely excited about my publication in JACS, as I have been looking forward to publishing for awhile, and I am thrilled to share the work I have done."

During her SRSI program, Abdullatif worked on carbon dioxide capture and utilization under the supervision of Kuo-Wei Huang, associate professor of chemical science from the KAUST Catalysis Center. She plans to return to KAUST for her advanced degree studies in chemical science upon completing her undergraduate degree at Berkeley.

"I feel that KAUST has helped me progress and succeed by providing me with resources and support during my time as an SRSI student and also during the KGSP program," she said.

- By Caitlin Clark, KAUST News

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