
Peter Schmid

Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Physical Science and Engineering Division


Education Profile

  • 1993 PhD Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • 1989 Dipl.-Ing. (Univ) Aerospace Engineering, Technical University Munich

Research Interests

​Professor Schmid's research interests are in theoretical and computational fluid dynamics, with emphasis on hydrodynamic stability theory, flow control, model reduction and system identification. He is also interested in computational techniques for flow optimization and quantitative flow analysis.

Selected Publications

  • Schmid, P.J.: Dynamic mode decomposition and its variants. Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 54, pp. 225--254, 2021
  • Eggl, M.; Schmid, P.J.: Mixing enhancement in binary fluids using optimised stirring strategies. J. Fluid Mech., 899, A24, 2020
  • Skene, C.; Schmid, P.J.; Qadri, U.A.: Open-loop control of global instability in a swirling jet by harmonic forcing: a weakly non-linear analysis. Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5, 053901, 2020
  • Symon, S.; Sipp, D.; Schmid, P.J.; McKeon, B.J.: Mean and unsteady flow reconstruction using data-assimilation and resolvent analysis. AIAA J., 58(2), 575--588, 2020
  • Schmidt, O.T.; Schmid, P.J.: A conditional space-time POD formalism for intermittent and rare events: example of acoustic bursts in turbulent jets. J. Fluid Mech., 867, R.2, 2019