
Peter Markowich

Al-Khawarzmi Distinguished Professor, Applied Mathematics and Computational Science

Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering Division


Education Profile

  • 'Habilitation' for Applied and Numerical Mathematics, Technische Universität Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Austria, 1984
  • Dr.Techn., Technische Universität Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Austria, 1980
  • M.S. Engineering, Technische Universität Wien (Vienna University of Technology), Austria, 1979

Research Interests

Professor Markowich's primary research interests are in the mathematical and numerical analysis of partial differential equations (PDEs) and their application in physics, biology and engineering. In particular he is interested in: classical and quantum mechanical kinetic theoryanalytical and numerical problems occurring in highly oscillatory PDEs (like semi classical asymptotics)Wigner transformsnonlinear PDEs describing dispersive and, resp., diffusive phenomenasingular perturbations and long-time asymptoticsgeneralized Sobolev inequalitiesinverse problems in solid state physicsimage processing using PDEs

Selected Publications

  • A. Chertock, K. Fellner, A. Kurganov, A. Lorz and P.A. Markowich, 2012, Sinking, merging and stationary plumes in a coupled chemotaxis-fluid model: a high-resolution numerical approach:Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 694, 154-190.
  • L. Caffarelli, P.A. Markowich and M.-T. Wolfram, 2011, On a price formation free boundary model by Lasry and Lions: The Neumann problem: Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 349, 15-16, 841-844.
  • L. Caffarelli, P.A. Markowich and M.-T. Wolfram, 2011, On a price formation free boundary model by Lasry and Lions: The Neumann problem: Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 349, 11-12, 621-624.
  • M. DiFrancesco, P.A. Markowich and J.-F. Pietschmann, 2011, On the Hughes' model for pedestrian flow: the one-dimensional case: Journal of Differential Equations, 250, 3, 1334-1362.
  • M. Burger, P. Markowich, J.-F. Pietschmann, 2011, Continuous Limit of a Crowd Motion and Herding Model: Analysis and Numerical Simulations: Kinetic and Related Models, 4, 4.