

Education Profile

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Umeå University, 2012-2013
  • Ph.D. Mathematical Statistics, Lund University, 2012
  • M.S. Engineering Mathematics, Lund University, 2007

Research Interests

​Professor Bolin‘s main research interests are in stochastic partial differential equations and their applications in statistics, with a focus on development of practical, computationally efficient tools for modelling non-stationary and non-Gaussian processes. He also works on uncertainty quantification and visualization for applications in spatial statistics and medical imaging.

Selected Publications

  • D. Bolin, K. Kirchner (2019), The rational SPDE approach for Gaussian random fields with general smoothness, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, To appear.
  • D. Bolin, K. Kirchner, M. Kovács (2018), Numerical solution of fractional elliptic stochastic PDEs with spatial white noise, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, dry091
  • D. Bolin and F. Lindgren (2015), Excursion and contour uncertainty regions for latent Gaussian models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B Methodology, 77, 1, 85-106.
  • D. Bolin (2014), Spatial Matérn fields driven by non-Gaussian noise, Scandinavian journal of statistics, 41:3, 557-579.
  • D. Bolin and F. Lindgren (2011), Spatial models generated by nested stochastic partial differential equations, with an application to global ozone mapping, Annals of Applied Statistics, 5, 1, 523-550.