
KAUST Global Fellowship Program for Early Career Researchers

The current KAUST Global Fellows.

The KAUST Global Fellowship Program is one of KAUST‘s initiatives to support early-career scientists and engineers. This program is designed to attract top postdoctoral researchers from around the globe. The program is now accepting applications on a rolling basis, with the next cut-off date set for July 1, 2024. 

Launched in 2021, the KAUST Global Fellowship Program supports early-career scientists and engineers by providing them with the resources to conduct their own innovative research at KAUST for three years. The fellowship aligns with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 and KAUST’s research priorities: energy and industrial leadership, sustainable environment and essential needs, health and wellness, and economies of the future. 

Global Fellows receive a generous annual stipend of $75,000, a research fund of up to $40,000 per year, and additional benefits such as free housing and schooling for children. Beyond financial support, Fellows gain access to KAUST’s exceptional infrastructure, including the Shaheen III supercomputer, advanced electron microscopes, nuclear magnetic resonance machines, a class 100 cleanroom for nanofabrication, and research vessels for Red Sea exploration. Additionally, KAUST offers numerous learning and development opportunities and programs, including certifications in teaching and leadership.  

The selection of global fellows is based on outstanding scientific accomplishments; innovation and future commercialization to advance the Kingdom’s priorities are also weighed in the selection process. 

“KAUST is the ideal place to carry out my research, given the expertise available in ultrafast spectroscopy, device fabrication, and characterization and stability.”, said Yakun He, 2023 fellow, who is investigating the efficiency and stability of organic solar cells in PSE

“The Fellowship offers the opportunity to leverage KAUST’s expertise and resources to tackle complex weather forecasting challenges, significantly contributing to the advancement of the field,” said Firas Ben Ameur, 2023 fellow, who joined to develop weather models with higher prediction accuracy and efficiency in CEMSE

The fellowship is also an opportunity for researchers to explore the extraordinary opportunities the Kingdom has to offer. While in the past, few scientists and engineers have considered Saudi Arabia as an ideal country for academic research, KAUST has made several researchers reassess this potential. 

“This Fellowship experience at KAUST has shown me the potential of Saudi Arabia and the region to contribute meaningfully to addressing and tackling global problems.”, said Andrew Temple, 2022 fellow, who uses an AI-driven approach to help prevent and reverse biodiversity loss by prioritizing management and research actions in fisheries where these fundamental data are missing in BESE

For more information on how to apply and to access the application kit, visit our website